医疗器械领域内的技术开发 , 技术咨询服务 , 计算机网络布线。医疗器械(一类)


康为医疗——照亮你的丰盛人生!上海康为医疗科技发展有限公司(KANGWAY MEDICAL)是香港康为医疗工业集团股份有限公司在华全资子公司,是一家集研发和生产高科技医学教学模型、医学培训模拟设备的生产企业。主要产品集中为CPR心肺复苏模型,医学解剖模型,医学模拟培训模型,医患关系沟通模型,医药促销礼品等产品,主要服务欧洲和亚洲医院、医学院及护理培训学校、国际制药公司等客户。我们已经取得部分国家专利和计算机软件著作权,可以独立生产研发各类医学教育培训模型,受到了国内外各类高等医学院校、知名医院、各地职业技术学院、卫生学校等医学教育机构的认可和赞誉。 公司营销中心写字楼座落在上海国际商圈虹桥商务区龙湖虹桥天街写字楼G栋809室,距离虹桥机场,虹桥高铁直线距离500米,连接世界各地交通非常便利。康为医疗临港工业园生产基地位于上海浦东新区临港开发区书院镇新欣东路27号(离上海浦东国际机场20分钟车程),厂区占地面积7500平米,其中生产办公厂房4200平米,配套仓库1200平米,现有科研技术人员及生产技师六十余人,其中,大学以上高级工程师17人,中级职称工程师22人,高级管理精英4名,公司技术力量雄厚,产品科规正确,选料精良,品种齐全。 生产的“康大夫 KANG DORTOR ”"GPI品牌""SIMULAIDS品牌"系列医学急救、护理、解剖、妇幼、中医、不锈钢解剖台等医学培训设备,以其造型逼真、工艺标准、材料考究、质量先进等特点,获奖无数,并成为各大院校中标产品,并出口东南亚日本、西德、俄罗斯、意大利、中东、南美、东欧、西欧等七十多个国家和地区。同时被卫生部、教育部作为全国各大医学院校、卫生学校、护士学校、师范学校、体育院校、公安警校、大中型医院上等级评估达标配备指定推荐使用产品。公司已建立医学模型蜡模车间、搪胶车间、塑胶车间、彩绘车间、电子车间、装配车间、不锈钢制品车间、中医生产车间等。  本公司以“高科技、高质量、低价格、品种齐”的品牌优势,以及近年来采取灵活多样的经营方式,并以优良的售后服务与信誉深受全国新老客户的青睐和喜爱。康为医疗集团有多年丰富的医疗市场操作经验,凭借强大的科研力量、专业的医模设备,把握时代的脉搏,聚同道之士汇四方科技,我们愿携手广大的医学教育工作者,为全面提升中国的医学教育科研水平做出更大的贡献。 康为医疗—真实,触手可及!“悦工作,悦生活”是康为医疗的员工关爱项目,每年开展一次,旨在为员工营造健康愉悦的工作环境,提高大家对于健康生活方式的重视。各个国家和地区可以为员工量身定制各类健康项目。康为医疗的“悦工作,悦生活”活动涵盖以下五个方面:锻炼增强体质:行走健康达人 & 爬楼梯行动预防控制疾病:测量血糖指数保持心理健康:职场压力管理提升生活品质:理财及投资风险讲座搭配健康营养:营养餐计划康为发起的各项促进“工作与生活平衡”的活动,均基于同一个理念:帮助我们的员工发挥最大潜能。康为企业宗旨 在KANGWAY,让患者更有尊严,让医者受人尊敬,成就卓越医者是我们每天努力工作的初衷,我们专注于研发创新以惠及更多的医者。 工作意义 在KANGWAY,我们帮助每位员工实现个人价值,并通过与工作伙伴的共同努力,倾力造福医患者。 工作影响力 康为人的每一份力量,都能解医患者之需,为全中国以至全世界传递生命的希望。康为企业文化 在KANGWAY的每一天,都将为您带来无限灵感,尽情享受工作乐趣,充分一展所长。 尊重 / 认可 在KANGWAY,您的付出与贡献都能收获尊重,成就工作认同感,造就出色自我。 多元化与包容性 我们致力打造多元化的团队,倡导开放包容的工作氛围,让您在公平和谐的环境中舒心自在地工作。 管理者素质 我们相信每位员工都值得拥有一位最优秀的领导者,康为的管理者为您引领事业发展,助您实现跨域式突破。 道德 / 合规 道德合规是康为的从业之本,贯穿公司上下,塑造行业诚信典范。康为卓越科研 以科研驱动无限未来,缔造美好生活。 产品质量 您的付出,将成就划时代的卓越产品,让医者得到真实有效的医学模拟技术,让全球数以百万计的人们重拾健康生活。 创新 我们着力创新突破,激发您昂扬斗志,协手延续生命之灯。 KANGWAY MEDICAL, light up your life!Shanghai kangwayMEDICAL science and technology development co., LTD. (KANGWAY MEDICAL) is a Hong Kong kangway MEDICAL industry group co., LTD., a wholly owned subsidiary in China, is a high-tech MEDICAL teaching and research and development and production model, the MEDICAL training simulation equipment manufacturing enterprises. Main products of the concentration of CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) model, anatomy of the medical model, medical model simulation training, the doctor-patient relationship communication model, medical promotional gifts and other products, the main service in Europe and Asia, hospital, school of medicine and nursing training school and international pharmaceutical companies and other customers. We have made some national patent and the computer software copyright, can the independent production research and development of medical education training model, by domestic and foreign well-known hospitals, all kinds of medical colleges, vocational and technical college, around the health school of medical education institutions, such as recognition and praise. Company marketing center office is located in the Shanghai international business circle longhu hongqiao hongqiao business district (CBD) G Yin office building, room 809, building from hongqiao airport, hongqiao high-speed linear distance of 500 meters, traffic is very convenient connection all over the world. Kangwaymedical lingang industrial production base is located in Shanghai pudong new area lingang development zone east road 27 college town (20 minutes' drive from Shanghai pudong international airport), the factory covers an area of 7500 square meters, production workshop 4200 square meters for office, warehouse 1200 square meters, the existing scientific and technical personnel and production technicians more than 60 people, among them, the university more than senior engineer 17 people, intermediate title engineer 22 people, elite four senior management, company technical force is abundant, the product gauge correctly, excellent materials, complete varieties. "Doctor KANG KANG DORTOR" "GPI brand" "SIMULAIDS brand" series of medical first aid, care, anatomy, women and children, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, such as stainless steel flensing medical training and equipment, with its modelling is vivid, exquisite craft standard, material, quality characteristics such as advanced, awards, and become the major colleges and universities of the winning products, and exported to southeast Asia, Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy, the Middle East, South America, eastern Europe, Western Europe, etc. More than seventy countries and regions. At the same time as the major national medical colleges and universities by the ministry of health, the ministry of education, health, nurse schools, normal schools, sports colleges and universities, the public security police, large and medium-sized hospital grade evaluation standard equipped with specified recommended products. The company has established medical model wax mould workshop, evade glue workshop, plastic workshop, painting workshop, electronic workshop, assembly workshop, stainless steel products workshop, production workshop and so on in traditional Chinese medicine.The company to "high-tech, high quality and low price, variety qi" brand advantage, and adopt flexible mode of operation in recent years, and with excellent after-sales service and credit are popular with the new and old customers and love. Kangwaymedical group has many years rich experience in the medical market operation, with strong scientific research strength, professional medical equipment, grasp the pulse of The Times, poly fellow of hui science and technology, we are willing to hand in hand with the general medical education workers,So as to improve Chinese and global medical education research level make a greater contribution.
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